Oni možda neće stići da odu na posljednji meč Mundijala, ali mogu da se nadaju pozivu na stadion “Old Traford” gdje bi gledali utakmicu Mančester junajteda, piše Blic Sport.
The 12 #ThailandCaveRescue boys and coach may not be able to make it to Russia for the #WorldCup final but they can look forward to a trip to Old Trafford. Manchester United has extended an invitation to Wild Boars FC and their rescuers to catch a game this season. Class 👏🏻 pic.twitter.com/w8ymer3HxU
ST Sports Desk (@STsportsdesk) July 10, 2018
Engleski velikan je pozvao fudbalere divljih veprova iz Tajlanda i njihove spasioce da budu gosti na utakmici ekipe Žozea Murinja u sljedećoj sezoni.
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